Vietnamese Language Education
Trường Việt Ngữ
Started in 1996 by Rev. Joseph Nguyen, and collaborated with VACEC (Vietnamese-American Cultural & Educational Center), the Vietnamese language school has grown in size over the past 18 years. The school started with the intention of teaching Vietnamese children their motherland language and maintaining the Vietnamese culture in America. Not only is this mission being continued today but the school has also attracted non-Vietnamese students and adults.
We established the PTA two years ago and this has proven to be a great move! PTA held fundraisers, helped with security watch during school hours, organized the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, and many other school-related events. They work in parallel with the school and are always supportive.
For more information, please contact the rectory.
Vietnamese Language School
Thầy Trần Quốc Việt
Thu Nguyen